
  • Individual Therapy

  • Therapy for Native Americans

  • Relationship Therapy

  • Psychedelic Integration

  • LGBTQQIA Affirming Care

  • Personal Coaching

  • Depth

    Depth psychotherapy delves into the underlying unconscious patterns and dynamics that influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Derrick utilizes depth-oriented techniques to facilitate self-exploration, uncover hidden insights, and promote profound personal transformation.

  • Trauma Informed

    Derrick recognizes the impact of trauma on mental health and well-being. He is trained in trauma-informed care, utilizing evidence-based techniques to support clients in processing traumatic experiences, building coping skills, and fostering a sense of safety and empowerment.

  • Holistic

    As a holistic psychotherapist, Derrick draws upon a diverse range of modalities, including mindfulness, somatic experiencing, and the depths of imagination, to address the entirety of one's humanity. Ultimately, considering that mental well-being includes the body, brain, environment, and the mythic realms of the mind.

  • Relational

    Derrick prioritizes the development of a trusting and collaborative relationship with his clients, providing a safe space for exploration and self-discovery. With a deep understanding of attachment theory, intersubjectivity, and empathic attunement, he guides individuals towards greater insight, self-awareness, and relational fulfillment.

Let’s Talk!

Book a Free 20-minute phone call with me.

Daniel Horsechief, “Generations”, 2018